18/2/2023 Dark Side Of The Wall Review by Claire Spencer

There have been some cracking tributes on at The Pot recently, and the Pink Floyd tribute Dark Side of the Wall must surely be up there with the best of them.

I knew this band was going to be good the moment I walked into the sound check to ask 'Which one's Pink?' and was stunned by an amazing light show. My attention had previously been alerted whilst in the bar by the thunderous sound of a kick drum, and despite having visions of being shouted at to stand still by a schoolteacher, I had gone to investigate what was going on.

Meanwhile, a sizeable queue had formed outside the music room, snaking back past the merch stand towards the bar for what was to be yet another sell out gig in a long succession of full houses for Raw Promotions, who are most definitely on fire this winter with some great gigs.

It was getting packed and nice and upfront and cosy inside, just they way I likes it, as the opening bars of 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond' announced the beginning of the set. The crowd were well into this from the word go and the band duly obliged everyone with some of Floyd's best including tracks from 'The Wall,' 'Wish You Were Here,' 'The Division Bell' and of course 'Dark Side of the Moon.'

The band have a huge following - incredibly they've been playing Pink Floyd's music for over 25 years- and reportedly one fan had travelled up from Bristol to see them.

These guys really know how to recreate the authentic sound of Floyd with a full band comprising of guitarists, keyboards, a very energetic drummer already referred to, as well as a sax player, all headed by frontman Big Mick Freeman. Add to this was the wonderfully etheral sounding vocals of Hayley Caines who was right on the money with 'Great Gig in the Sky,' completing what was a really impressive lineup.

There would have had no problem had the band forgotten any of the lyrics as the crowd sung along word perfect to all the songs: it was very much a case of 'SingalongaFloyd,' with evergreen faves 'Another Brick in the Wall Part 2,' 'Wish You Were Here,' 'Money' and 'Shine on you Crazy Diamond' raising the rafters.

The band certainly gave real value for money, after initially finishing with 'Comfortably Numb' they duly returned to play 'Run Like Hell' for the encore before the lights came up and many happy people filed out, either for some merch or one or three for the road.

Dark Side of the Wall present a really extraordinary show which makes for a fantastic Pink Floyd experience without shelling out megabucks for the real thing, add to this the light show really is the icing on the cake.